Only offered 2 times a year. Don’t miss out!
*Next start date: September 23, 2024*

Define your goals and learn our proven system to craft a stellar resume that gets you in the door for interviews


Right Your Resume takes you from overwhelmed to confident that you can land the job of your dreams. You’ll explore where you’ve been and where you want to go, and key techniques to make your narrative stand out so that an employer says, “let’s schedule an interview!”


There's WAY too much advice out there about how to write your resume. Before taking our Right Your Resume course, participants were feeling:

  • Uncertain about the direction to take their career

  • Unsure how to structure their experience and express themselves clearly on paper and in interviews 

  • Doubts about what to keep and remove in order to shorten their resume

Does that sound familiar?

If so, you’re in the right place. I’m going to tell you how Right Your Resume will provide the tools and encouragement you need to get you interviews and into a job you love.


ONLY $297 $497

You’ll make back MORE than this in your first paycheck at your new job!

The course will begin on September 23, 2024.
Each week, you’ll receive a new module which you can complete at your own pace.


By the end of this program
you will have:

✔️A clear idea of the roles and industries that you’re targeting

✔️Identified jobs of interest that are a good match so that you can get your resume in shape

✔️Learned how to read job postings and incorporate keywords in a meaningful way, never again having to completely rewrite your resume for every position you apply to

✔️Written powerful, concise bullets with specific examples that will help you stand out from the crowd

✔️Composed a solid introductory portion of your resume that aligns with your target roles and what employers want to see

✔️Added and modified other sections of your resume to guide employers to understand your experience in the way you want them to

✔️ Determined how to describe your unique qualities and experience to employers in networking conversations and interviews


Once you complete this course, you will actually be EXCITED to search and submit your resume (impossible to imagine, right?), and feel optimistic about getting interviews for the jobs you want.


The lessons are broken down into easy to swallow bits so you don't feel overwhelmed by the process. The teachers are so supportive, giving easy to understand feedback and advice.

It wasn't just about revamping my resume, it was focusing on where I'd been and where I want to go.

  • Alina


The course will begin on September 23, 2024.
Each week, you’ll receive a new module which you can complete at your own pace.


A Small Sample of Our Amazing Students

The course modules are comprehensive and well organized. Thoughtful is the first word that comes to mind. I appreciate Marcelle's process guiding us through the steps to a great CV and for the weekly support calls. It was truly transformative!

  • Julia

I would like to thank you for the amazing course. I have just finished it and I would like to emphasize that the material was very comprehensive and easy to digest at the same time. When I compare my resumes before and after the course there is a huge difference.

  • Mariam


Thank you for the incredible workshop. You provided me with a new perspective and helped me to express myself better not only in the resume or LinkedIn profile, but also for future work interviews.

  • Merve


Many thanks for the course and for all your advice. The course was useful for me because I have issues with structuring my experience and understanding what I should look for now. I am still in process, but I already shortened my resume to 2 pages and updated my LinkedIn profile. This process became much easier for me. Thank you very much for all the materials, live sessions and responses.

  • Kseniia

What’s Inside Right Your Resume?


Defining Your Destination

We’re going to start by cutting through all the unsolicited advice and noise to focus on what’s relevant to YOU and your future. We have over 10 years of experience crafting resumes for clients, and we know that the first step to creating a stand-out resume is finding ideal roles so you can align your resume with what employers want to see. We’re going to show you how to do just that.

In order to get you on the right path, you’ll define your strengths, identify organizations and industries of interest, and dive into a search to get clear about where you’re heading.  


  • Identify your ideal work environment, plus companies and industries of interest. Whether you have jobs in mind or not, you’ll benefit from reflecting on questions that help you find the right jobs for YOU. You’ll also come away with great talking points for networking conversations and interviews. 

  • Showcase your superpowers for employers. Yes, it’s limited as far as how much someone can get to know you on paper. BUT this is your opportunity to let them get to know you and first impressions count…a lot! 

  • Learn how and where to search for jobs. Every company uses a different system for job titles and levels. It can feel impossible to try and figure out the right title and level for you! We’ll help you determine search terms and job search sites to use to help you find the right positions.



How to Read Job Postings and Find Keywords

You’ve heard about the dreaded applicant tracking software (ATS) systems that filter resumes for keywords. We’re going to not only talk about why keywords matter, but how to spot a keyword or key phrase and how to incorporate it in the right way. You’ll learn how to critically read a job posting and compare several postings so that you tailor your resume not for one position, but for many positions at the same time, which will save you HOURS each time you apply to a new job. 

You’ll also discover common key terms and phrases for your field and industry.


  • Learn how employers read resumes and ensure yours is one they actually take the time to read.

  • Implement keywords that will work across job applications. This will save tons of time every time you apply to a new job, and eliminate second guessing yourself about what to include and how to tailor it each time. 

  • Discover a tool that will make keyword identification as quick as lightning! You’ll wish you knew about this years ago. You can even use it to figure out how your resume stacks up to the posting qualifications. It’s a job search game changer.



Show, Don’t Tell: The Key to Writing a Solid Resume

Most of us write resumes for the jobs we’ve had - a brain dump of all the tasks we’ve done in the past. That’s NOT what employers want to know. They want to see how your past experience proves you can do the job they’re offering. 

In this module, you’ll dive into your experience more deeply and pull together what you’ve learned in the previous two modules to set you up for success on your new path.


  • Uncover your best examples that demonstrate the relevant skills listed in qualifications. This is where you begin to align your past work history with your future career. Remember: where you came from is important, but it has to clearly spell out that you can do what your future employer needs.

  • Employ our proven framework for writing clear, concise bullets. Resume writing differs from academic or business writing. You’ll learn how to write active, specific, purpose/ result-oriented bullets that will turn your resume into a thoughtful career narrative.



Set the Stage to Be Seen

Once your resume gets through an ATS, you have to convince the employer to read in more detail. How do you do that? By knowing your audience and starting your resume off strong to give them a taste of who you are and how you can contribute to their team. 

You’ll define what makes you stand out and know how to write about it


  • Compose a strong opening. We’ll break down each component so you know how to showcase your experience and superpowers (we’ll dive deeper into figuring this out here and combine it with what you learned about yourself in a previous lesson). The opening may be the only thing an employer reads in depth before deciding whether to read the rest. 

  • Tell the employer what they need to know about you. Forget about summarizing your whole background. What matters to the employer, i.e., your audience? This will help you shape both the opening and the rest of your resume.



Showcase What Matters

You may be thinking that you are over qualified or even under qualified for a job, or unsure how to emphasize parts of your experience more than others. This is where you’ll learn ways to get around those obstacles! In addition, you don’t want to bury achievements that employers really care about because they may miss them entirely.

We’ll implement changes throughout your resume to make you shine for employers, and overcome any objections they may have.


  • Bolster your opening section. If you have key achievements or have worked or volunteered for well-known organizations, you need to include this section up front. How do you know what to include?

  • Incorporate unique accomplishments. There are sections of a resume that aren’t applicable to everyone, but if you have done one or more things in certain areas you’ll want to include those experiences. We’ll also share tricks to help you know what to include, and what to leave out. 

  • Feature your leadership capabilities. Many job candidates bury roles where they’ve demonstrated leadership competencies, particularly if the work didn’t happen in a paid job. This is a mistake! Learn how to highlight your leadership skills.


(a $1,997 value)

5 implementation modules and interactive online and live support teaching you EVERYTHING you need to tailor your resume for the jobs you want, saving you hours of time on future applications
Clarity on what information matters to employers so that you can blast through resume filtering software and get invited to interview
A thoughtful, stand-out resume that employers actually read, featuring your strengths and clearly showing
employers how you’ll be successful in the new role

You’ll be given access to one module per week so that you have plenty of time to complete the lessons and execute before moving onto the next step. We do this to help you avoid the intense overwhelm that comes with writing resumes. You will have lifetime access to the course so if you need to refer back to it at anytime, it will be there for you.


WAIT - there’s more! You’ll also have access to these 3 priceless resources.

Live Office Hours with Career Valet experts on Zoom + Community Q&A + How to Crush Your Interview course

(a $1,997 value)

➡️ 2 live 1-hour Q&A sessions to help you tackle challenges and move forward with confidence.  

➡️ Answers to burning questions in the Community Q&A by career experts and participants. Connections with other job seekers from diverse fields to share experiences and gain valuable personal insights.

➡️ How to Crush Your Interview course with 5 mini video lessons and accompanying resources to deepen your learning, so that you can knock your interviews out of the park!


GET IT ALL FOR ONLY $297 ($497)!

You’ll make back WAY MORE than this in your first paycheck at your new job!


Questions Fellow Job Searchers Asked Before Signing Up

  • Yes, it’s an investment, but it’s an investment in YOU and you’ll MORE than make back what you paid for this course in your first paycheck! Where do you want to be in 3 to 6 months? How many exciting jobs do you want to let pass you by? When you complete this course, you’ll have a resume that you’ll feel 100% confident about and will be motivated to start applying to jobs immediately. That’s priceless.

  • The course can be done at your own pace. One course module will be delivered each week for 5 weeks. You will have lifetime access to the content, so you can go at your own pace and start each module whenever works best for you.

  • Yes. If you’re struggling to figure out how to tell your story to an employer, this course will help you. There are likely pieces from your school, volunteer, or other experiences that would be meaningful to an employer. You’ll learn how to highlight that experience in a cohesive way.

  • When the course begins, you will get access to one module with several lessons every week. We distribute the content weekly to allow you to pace yourself and not get overwhelmed because there will be questions to reflect on and work to be done building your resume each week.

  • Yes. You have access to our experts and community inside the course platform. You can ask questions and receive feedback there at any time. In addition, our career experts will hold two one-hour live office hours during the course period.

  • Right Your Resume is not an off-the-shelf course. It’s an interactive course where you not only learn our proven frameworks for developing a solid career narrative based on where you want to go next, but also learn how to speak to your strengths – all while receiving expert and participant support throughout your 5-week journey. By the end of the course, you’ll have a stand-out resume and all the tools and confidence you need to tailor your resume for future career moves.

  • Yes, you will receive a downloadable resume template that you can use to build your new resume.


Still not sure if this is right for you?

Searching for jobs and writing your resume is stressful and confusing. You don’t know what you don’t know.

You’re working and have other things on your plate. You don’t have time to sift through all the guidance out there about resume writing and spin your wheels trying to figure out how to get it right. You are sick of writing and rewriting your resume over and over again. You feel bad asking friends and family to look at it and give you advice…yet again. 

You don’t want to stay in a toxic, unfulfilling, underpaying job for the rest of your career. You want to enjoy what you’re doing and have time for the other important things in your life. Work shouldn’t feel like a total burden. 

You’re ready to flip the switch and get yourself into a job that will leave you feeling positive and motivated to engage in all the other important areas of your life – family, friendships, exercise, and hobbies. This could very well propel you into the life change that you’ve been talking about forever.


I’d love for you to join us.

The best part of my job is seeing people land a job they’re excited about in a way they haven’t been in a long time. That motivates me and my team and keeps us getting up each day for work. Your success in a job search is our reward. 

After graduating from college and for years after as a strategic communications consultant, I applied to hundreds of jobs, tailoring my resume each time. Sometimes I would hear back, but most often I wouldn’t. It took me a long time to figure out how to break through software systems and convince an employer to interview me. Friends and family began asking me for help. All of this inspired me to create Career Valet to try to help others do the same. 

And that’s why we’ve launched this course. We’ve worked with hundreds of individuals since 2012, and we want to reach many more because we know how much our system of resume writing has helped others like you move forward in their careers – sometimes making several changes throughout the years. 

You owe it to yourself to take the time to do the same with this opportunity to change your life. You’ll be able to use these tools to build on your resume for years to come and through whatever changes life brings.

I look forward to meeting you inside Right Your Resume.

All my best,
Marcelle Yeager


GET IT ALL FOR ONLY $297 ($497)!

The course will begin on September 23, 2024.
Each week, you’ll receive a new module which you can complete at your own pace.