How to network on LinkedIn

Many of you know that I’m a big fan of LinkedIn and the countless ways you can use it. Most people are not using it to the fullest (and you can do this for FREE). If you use it effectively, you stand to gain a lot in the way of connections and referrals.

Don’t just use it as a passive job search tool where you stick up your profile and wait. And wait. And wait. Or just put it up there because you heard employers want to see that everyone has a profile. While great things can come from that, you can take an active role to build your network by reaching out to companies and people of interest – and you should.

I hear from a lot of people who limit themselves to only contacting connections on LinkedIn who they know personally. There are many opportunities for strategic networking on LinkedIn, which can bring you to your next career opportunity and ideal job. How can you use it to connect meaningfully with others and build your network?

Here are reasons you should use it to reach out, and in turn, build your network:

  • You applied to a job but have heard nothing back after a week

  • Your target company has a lot of job openings and you do not know which one is most suitable for you

  • You're interested in a company but don’t know anyone there

  • You’ve had no luck getting an interview for the job you want and would love a referral

More than 80% of jobs are filled through referrals (I know, I say this all the time, but you need to keep hearing it). Referrals are not always made by people with whom you are close – you can get in the door for interviews after having a brief phone or email exchange with someone who you didn’t know before.


Hardly anyone does this! And it will get you a response over 75% of the time. Believe me, it works because I do it.

For years in my LinkedIn summary, I had a little tip: “If you send a connection request to me, please include a short note explaining why you want to connect.” Maybe 5% of people included a note. It doesn’t require much to make it personal; in fact, LinkedIn limits the amount of text you can include so you are only able to send a few lines.

The bottom line? Don’t just press the “Send” button when you want to connect with someone. Add a personalized note! You'll make a much better impression and increase your chance of getting a response. I know this because I get responses to my personalized messages about 75% of the time.


Who is the right person?

  • If you want to check in on the status of your application: recruiters

  • If you don’t know what job to apply to or simply want to make connections in a particular company: hiring managers (the person you imagine would be your boss)

  • If you aren’t getting responses from hiring managers or recruiters: senior HR leaders

You don’t need InMails – which you get through a paid Premium LinkedIn subscription – to send messages.

How to send a message to a 2nd-degree, 3rd-degree, or out-of-network connection

Step 1: Go to the person’s LinkedIn profile

Step 2: Click the blue rectangular "Connect" button at the top left of their profile.

Step 3: A box will pop up telling you that you can customize your invitation. You MUST click “Add a note”! Do not click the blue “Send” button without doing this first.

Step 4: Compose a brief message (that’s all you’re allowed) explaining why you want to connect with this person. Reference a mutual connection and/or why you’re connecting with them. 

Step 5: They may accept your invitation but not respond, because many people miss LinkedIn messages, especially when sent as part of an invitation to connect. Write a message to follow up. You should now be able to use more characters in your message, but don’t go too crazy! Keep it concise.

Here are two samples to get you started.

Hi Shirley,

I understand you lead the HR team at Crestview and you’ve worked there for 6 years. I have a background in healthcare policy, having worked for 10 years in the government and nonprofit sectors. I recently applied to the program officer role and would like to confirm that you received my resume. For your convenience, I would be happy to send it to you here. Would that be okay with you?

Kind regards,


Hi Joan,

I noticed that we are both connected to Steve Johnson; we played soccer together in high school! I’m writing because I have a background in computer science, having started as an engineer and then moving into pre-sales and most recently, management of sales teams. I’m looking for my next opportunity. I’ve always been intrigued by Stone’s sales team growth model. Would you be willing to have a 15-minute chat or answer a few questions via email? I’d like to learn more about the culture and your career path there.

Many thanks,


People use LinkedIn messages now like Facebook Messenger or iMessages: seen and forgotten in minutes. I’m guilty of this myself. People are busy. Follow up if you don’t hear back after a week. Many opportunities to connect are lost because people do not follow up.

Finally, make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete before you reach out to new connections so that when they check out your profile, they'll have a great first impression of you. 

Photo credit: LinkedIn Sales Solutions


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