4 Myths Busted: Realize LinkedIn’s True Power

Some people hate it, some people love it, and others ignore it. But there’s no doubt about it: LinkedIn is number one among professional networking platforms. It’s become increasingly popular over the years both in the U.S. and other countries. While many professionals view it as a job search site only, there’s so much more for you to take advantage of. Let’s bust some myths around it.

Myth #1: It’s only for job seekers.

Yes, LinkedIn is a job search site and you can apply directly to positions. Recruiters use it to source candidates and job seekers use it to connect with people at different companies. However, it’s also heavily used by in-house business development professionals, in-house marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, consultants, authors, speakers - you name it. It’s both an advertising and a connection tool.

There may be ways to use it that you haven’t even thought about. If you want to join a board of directors, you’ve got a whole database of people to connect with to learn more about companies and opportunities. If you want to engage in public speaking, you can connect with people, and also build your thought leadership by publishing posts relevant to your area of expertise.  

Furthermore, when you meet people at an event (work or personal) or someone mentions you to a colleague, where will you go to find them and where will they go to check you out? You got it - LinkedIn! Connecting on LinkedIn with people you’ve met enables you to grow and nurture your network over time, which will help you immensely in the future when you decide to embark on a path of professional growth.

Read the full post on the Time for Well-Being blog

Photo credit: Fabian Irsara


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