Working with the Generations...

Whether you are under the age of 30 and work with people older than you, or you are older and working with the youthful generation – we all need to figure out how to work together. During this time of decreasing job opportunities and more competition for the few jobs that are available, it is very important to understand all of our strengths and work together to move forward.

Every day I work through these issues; between my clients and my staff, we span every living generation. The trick is to make each person feel like they are a part of the team and an important contributor to the overall success of a project or initiative.

Here some key tips when it comes to working with the Baby Boomers, Generation X’s and Millennials:

1. Remember experience is important! If you have a great idea, consult the “gray beard” in the office, they might have tried this idea before. You can gain valuable lessons and insight to adjust your perspective and idea.

2. Working with fancy spreadsheets and high-tech multimedia for efficiency purposes could be very useful, even if you don’t understand how to use it. Lean on the people that do, that way you learn about something new and the project can keep moving towards completion.

3. If you are a person who likes to jump around a lot at your job, remind yourself that not everyone wants to do that. Change is uncertain and causes stress in many people. Respect co-workers that only have one job and plan to until they retire. They will truly be the continuity in the office and will be the most passionate.

Above all the best thing to remember is that everyone has something to contribute and his or her contribution is valuable, you just need to figure out the niche skill on each project.

Good luck!


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